Monthly Meeting: Drawing the Truth From Within with Kris Prochaska

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We love to meet new businesses and new business owners. Please register and join us for the evening.

ConnectW is a women’s networking group that welcomes women in all fields and endeavors—from entrepreneurs and professionals to women simply wishing to explore, expand and enhance their lives and environments.

Join us for networking, socializing, and a light dinner.

Drawing the Truth From Within with Kris Prochaska

As business owners, we are often looking for strategies to help us market better, communicate more effectively, and/or increase sales.

As a coach and therapist using art & Human Design for over 10 years Kris Prochaska of Align Your Design, LLC discovered two truths about ‘strategies’ in life & business:

  1. We are the strategy we have been looking for.
    Afterall, it is the truest expression of our natural energy flow in any given situation
  2. We can’t fake our strategy

Join ConnectW members and guests for an enlightening conversation about your natural “true” energy flow along with a quick–but powerful–drawing exercise that will help you tap into and visualize where you may be giving off a ‘false’ vibe in your marketing, communication, or sales conversations.
And then, what to do about it.

This session is for you, if you’ve been experimenting with lots of different strategies to attract more clients, grow your business & revenue, or expand your reach in marketing. We will help you discover what is more aligned for you and how to tap into this natural energy flow and expression in ALL areas of your life and business!

About our Speaker:
Kris brings together both the Art & Science of Human Design. She is a certified Human Design Business consultant, certified Human Design Profit Potential Coach and certified HD instructor. She has been studying and working as a Human Design consultant for 10+ years and working with the Gene Keys as a Guide both personally & professionally for 4 years.

The ‘Art of the Chart’ is her proprietary method for teaching coaches, therapists, and other professionals the art & science of reading a design chart for themselves and others. She also facilitates The Art of Design workshops that blend Art Therapy & Human Design for deeper integration, alignment, & healing. Kris is a 2015 TEDx speaker and former TEDx coach. She’s the author of Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper.

🔍 Check out Kris Prochaska Online 🔎

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The cutoff for registration without a late fee is the end of the day on the Friday before the meeting. If tickets are “out of stock”, please email to be put on a wait list.


To our ConnectW Corporate & Large Business Sponsors: Patricia Nelson with Two Spruce Law, Stephanie Higgins with Cascade Sotheby’s,  Dr. Carol Petherbridge with Freedom Regenerative Medicine, Lynn Spinoglio with First Interstate Bank and Terry Sprecher with Sprecher Group.

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