Are you looking for a speaker for your event? Or perhaps you want to become a public speaker and position yourself as a recognized authority in your field. Either way, ConnectW’s Speaker’s Bureau is a great way to connect women in business with Central Oregon community.
Securing—or becoming—a public speaker has never been easier. As part of our community service outreach program, Connect W’s Speaker’s Bureau features engaging presenters who are specialists in a variety of fields and who can talk about a wide variety of topics.
How ConnectW’s Speakers Bureau Works
For the first 45 minutes plus Q&A, our speakers donate their time and expertise. There will be no fee if less than an hour is required. If more than an hour is required, the speaker will charge for the additional time. That additional fee is directly negotiated with the speaker. Ditto when it comes to future bookings with this particular speaker.
Find a Speaker
ConnectW’s speakers will inform, engage and inspire your audience depending on your needs. We look forward to addressing your organization.
Be a Speaker
If you’re looking to extend your reach into the community and establish yourself as a recognized authority, join ConnectW’s Speakers Bureau and enjoy a win-win-win experience.
- Win #1 – Proudly represent ConnectW.
- Win #2 – Give value to the community.
- Win #3 – Widen your recognition quotient.
Feeling unsure? Contact our Speakers Bureau’s team leader.
Ready? Complete the Speakers Bureau Application now. You will be contacted by our Speakers Bureau’s team leader to review details.