June 2022 Monthly Meeting with Allison Keeley

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We love to meet new businesses and new business owners. Please register and join us for the evening.

ConnectW is a women’s networking group that welcomes women in all fields and endeavors—from entrepreneurs and professionals to women simply wishing to explore, expand and enhance their lives and environments.

Join us for networking, socializing, and a light dinner from Tate & Tate Catering.

The cutoff for registration without a late fee is the end of the day on the Friday before the meeting. If tickets are “out of stock”, please email info@connectw.org to be put on a wait list.

The Animal Inside You Waiting to Ambush Your Communication with Allison Keeley

In this presentation, Allison will discuss how our survival instincts, inherited at a DNA level, can so often be triggered and totally derail our communication. She will also share examples of what it can look like, and how recognizing the signs of ambush can improve our ability to avoid it or rescue ourselves and others from it when it happens.

Objectives for the Evening
1. Discover how instinct plays a role in human communication
2. Learn how to recognize what it might look like when instinct shows up in your communication
3. Explore what you can do when instinct ambushes you

Allison is a communication coach and trainer, and veteran public speaker. Her fascination with human language and communication began when she lived in Europe as a young child; everyone spoke more than one language and none of the television was in English! She also had a lifelong love affair with animals.

While pursuing a degree in Social-Psycho Linguistics, Allison explored opportunities to work with wild and domestic animals. This exploration led her into a career that spanned more than 20 years, interacting with the animals and the public as a zookeeper and trainer. She even ran away with the circus – twice!

The unique approach that Allison uses to help her clients understand and dissolve their communication blocks is a direct result of her understanding of how humans and animals communicate. She combines insights from the animal kingdom with her own knowledge, skills, and intuition, helping people bridge the gaps created by communication misses that are often a result of our animal instincts.

Allison shares insights and observations into what causes conversation to get lost in translation, and then helps resolve those repetitive conversations that inevitably turn into disagreements and fractured relationships. She provides the necessary clarity to navigate the emotional blindness that most people develop in highly-charged situations.

If you are looking to work miracles in your relationships through new communication insights, Allison can be reached at LionessCommunication@gmail.com

🔍 Check out Allison Keeley 🔎

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To our ConnectW Corporate & Large Business Sponsors: Patricia Nelson with Two Spruce Law, Stephanie Higgins with Cascade Sotheby’s,  Dr. Carol Petherbridge with Freedom Regenerative Medicine, Terry Sprecher with Sprecher Group, and Karen Brannon with Farmers Insurance.

Want to read the latest guidance on COVID-19? Click here to read the latest from the Oregon Health Authority and from the CDC.

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