April 2022 Monthly Meeting

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We love to meet new businesses and new business owners. Please register and join us for the evening.

ConnectW is a women’s networking group that welcomes women in all fields and endeavors—from entrepreneurs and professionals to women simply wishing to explore, expand and enhance their lives and environments.

Join us for networking, socializing, and a light dinner from Tate & Tate Catering.

The cutoff for registration without a late fee is the end of the day on the Friday before the meeting. If tickets are “out of stock”, please email info@connectw.org to be put on a wait list.

Leap Into Freedom

Ladies, we are so excited to announce our first in-person meeting this year will be with our Corporate Sponsor, Dr. Carol Petherbridge N.D. a pelvic, urinary, and sexual health expert with 35 plus years of experience in Women’s Healthcare.

Are you curious about or have been meaning to ask your doctor about… bladder leakage, what causes it, and how to address it?

Or are you wondering if it’s normal for orgasms to be more challenging to achieve as we age? Are you asking yourself why has my libido evaporated?

Dr. Carol will be answering your burning questions in a comfortable, relaxed environment. We will have an anonymous box for you to submit your questions during our networking hour.

🔍 Check out Dr. Carol Petherbridge 🔎

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To our ConnectW Corporate & Large Business Sponsors: Patricia Nelson with Two Spruce Law, Stephanie Higgins with Cascade Sotheby’s,  Dr. Carol Petherbridge with Freedom Regenerative Medicine, Terry Sprecher with Sprecher Group, and Karen Brannon with Farmers Insurance.

Want to read the latest guidance on COVID-19? Click here to read the latest from the Oregon Health Authority and from the CDC.

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