June 2023 Munch & Mingle

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ConnectW has redefined the concept of the business lunch.

ConnectW is connecting professional women over a limited-seating, monthly noon meal every second Thursday of the month. The result? Business sharing, social networking and, yes, friendship.  This event repeats every month on the second Thursday. Attendance is capped at 12 and registration is required to save your seat at the table. We hope to see you there.


To our ConnectW Corporate & Large Business Sponsors: Patricia Nelson with Two Spruce Law, Stephanie Higgins with Cascade Sotheby’s, Dr. Carol Petherbridge with Freedom Regenerative Medicine, Lynn Spinoglio with First Interstate Bank, Terry Sprecher with Sprecher Group, Lisa McCarthy with West & Main Homes and Ginger Weeden with Set In Motion Marketing & Media.

Want to read the latest guidance on COVID-19? Click here to read the latest from the Oregon Health Authority and from the CDC.

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