Diane KulpinskiLast month I told you I was not a visionary type of leader. Only about 1% of the population is considered “visionary” so at least you know I’m commiserating with you.

This month I’m going to confess that I’m really a Luddite* when it comes to technology. I much prefer a simple, nature-based type of lifestyle. Yes, you could call me a tree hugger. If I didn’t have to sit in front of a computer screen most of my day, I’d be even happier than I am.

We all know that’s not going to cut it. Simply to stay in touch with my clients I must use the latest technology. And believe me, many of them are WAY more savvy than I when it comes to this stuff.

Keeping up with the tech end of running a business can often feel like a second job – taking too much of our precious time without noticeable results.

That’s where this month’s speaker Lisa Smith, founder of 7-TouchMarketing, comes in. She’s a small business owner like many of us, so she’s knows the struggles & triumphs we all go through.

Lisa’s presentation will help us understand how important & easy it is to connect with our clients in a MEANINGFUL way, thereby becoming an important resource for them.

Personally, I’m looking forward to learning how I can integrate a simple informative e-blast to make my business run smoother on my end AND be a valued resource on the client’s end.

Diane's Sig




P.S. If you’re a tree hugger too – please give me a hug at the meeting and tell me you love trees!