Holly Carrigan
7-Touch Marketing

The nature of my business:

I have come to know ConnectW by way of Lisa Smith, founder of 7-Touch Marketing. I am her personal assistant, as well as, the event coordinator and marketing assistant at 7-Touch. She teaches individuals how to grow their business with Email & Social Media Marketing. I help her with the nuts and bolts of putting teaching opportunities together and getting the word out about her seminars to Bend area businesses and beyond.

What I love most about what I do:

Meeting people! Everyone these days knows they need to be active in marketing their own business via social media. At 7-Touch we have the unique opportunity of bringing VALUABLE social marketing information to solo-preneurs, small business, home based business, holistic practitioners, entrepreneurs, artists and organizations making their mark. With that wide range of business people, I get to meet some really awesome folks! I love to help make their life easier and give them a stellar experience when learning with Lisa.

Specials for ConnectW members:

Lisa ALWAYS provides specials for ConnectW members to attend her 2-Day Social Marketing Blitz. Beyond that she holds FREE seminars almost monthly in the Bend area. Just reach out to me and I will let you know when those are!

Anything else….

I am new to Bend, moved here in Sept. 2013 – so I have been reaching out, slowly but surely, to like minded individuals. ConnectW is definitely a primary resource for me to meet other women and Bend happy people! If ever you’d like to connect for a hike, bike, walk, coffee or brew – please don’t hesitate to reach out! Much joy~