Business Planning Workshop with an Eye to Your Personal Mission & Vision

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Join ConnectW women entrepreneurs as we help you set specific and measurable goals for 2023.

Arrive with an understanding of where your company is as this new year begins and leave with a greater understanding of how your business plan can help it grow.


We’ll be taking a dive into 2023 business planning to not only consider your new 2023 goals, but also to reflect on 2022 to see how your successes (and less-than-successful tactics) can inform your vision for this new year of expanded opportunity.

The importance of a community approach to this activity cannot be overstated. When we walk through an exercise to define obstacles and joy, trials and passions in our endeavors, hearing each other’s responses inevitably reminds us of aspects we need to consider. And in sharing your 2023 goals with a dynamic group of women entrepreneurs, you will ensure a greater likelihood of achieving those goals.

We will pledge to each other not to fall victim to the myopic view of using a business-only lens; our friends, our families, our community activities all hold down portions of our daily calendars. These are important aspects – no, they are essential aspects – of our lives. Business and personal engagements must co-mingle and co-exist in our daily schedules, as well as in our hearts. They won’t be overlooked in our business-building process.

Takeaways from this essential workshop:

  • A clear view of your go-forward plan over the next year
  • An honest view of what you need to leave behind way back there in 2022
  • Tools to help you stay on track and help you re-examine your goals on a continual basis
  • A plan for check-ins with the group to keep us accountable
  • Additional programming throughout the year to keep your inspiration high and your successes visible

Available to both members and non-members of ConnectW:

  • Members $100
  • Non-members $150

About Our Facilitators:

Women experienced in the areas of balancing life and business, we’ve all been through the baptismal fires and have come out stronger and wiser.

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