Mastering the Law of Attraction with NEW

Bend, OR – January 24, 2012 – World-class motivational speaker and bestselling author Mat Bogs will be presenting “Mastering the Law of Attraction: Six Keys to Accelerating your Results” at a February 15th Network of Entrepreneurial Women (NEW) special event.

  • Would you like a quantum leap in your income?
  • Would you like to increase your “success ceiling”?
  • Would you like achieving results to be easier?

Research over the last 150 years reveals that hugely successful individuals share six common strategies.  In NEW’s not-to-be-missed special event, Mat–who has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, Good Morning America, Fox News, Hallmark, ABC Family and Oprah & Friends Radio to name just a few—identifies these six factors and shares how you can use them to manifest your vision and create whatever you want in your life.

Einstein said, “A mind, once expanded by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.” Following that same line of thought, Mat points out that if you “shift your thinking just ten degrees, six months down the line you’re in a whole new place.”

As a widely sought-after success consultant and life coach and a dynamic public speaker, Mat travels the world helping everyone from CEOs and entrepreneurs to sales people and managers achieve extraordinary results in their business and personal life. His humor, authenticity, and power-packed motivational speeches and seminars have ignited millions of people to go after their dreams and begin living the life they love.

That’s exactly what NEW strives to help its members achieve. “Our programs are designed to offer growth opportunities to women in all facets of their lives,” says NEW president Lisa Sloan. “We encourage excellence and well-being in life as well as business.”

So when talk turned to finding a speaker who would be able to address the full spectrum of life in a powerfully affirming way, NEW programs director Kathy Kemper-Green immediately thought of Mat, who she had heard speak some years prior. “Through levity and moving personal stories, he brought into focus a few simple changes that would dramatically impact business and personal success,” she says. “I knew we had to bring him to Bend.”

This will be Mat Bogs’ only Central Oregon appearance, so register online now at before it’s sold out. The event, which kicks off at 5 p.m. on Wednesday February 15, will be held at St. Charles where NEW meets on the third Wednesday of every month with the exception of August and December. Tickets are $30 and include heavy hors d’oeuvres.  A no-host bar will also be available.

“We become that which we think about most,” says Mat. That means it’s time to start thinking constructively about how we can create the income level, the life-balance and the joy that we all want and need. So join us for an unforgettable, life-changing evening. For more information, contact Anita Bardizian at (541) 508-6442;